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If you’ve been injured by a dangerous or
defective product, or if you’ve lost a loved
one through wrongful death, hiring an
experienced product liability attorney is
the best way to protect your legal rights
and to receive the compensation you deserve.
Successful product liability and wrongful
death cases may be brought because of:
Defective consumer products such as
power tools, toasters, or other
Defective machinery such as power saws
Equipment failures or defects
Defective hydraulic lifts
Fires and explosions
Elevator and escalator failures
Defective safety guards
Metallurgical defects
Manufacturing flaws
Breach of warranties
Unsafe automobile designs
Defective auto parts, such as tires, air
bags, seat belts, and door locks
Hazardous food
Defective vaccines
Hazardous drug products, such as Bextra,
Ephedra and Vioxx
Call on Mr. Foret’s expertise in product
liability if you’ve been injured by any of
these products. We want to make sure that
you are compensated for all medical bills,
lost wages, pain, suffering, and other
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